Definitely An Interesting Concept
Well I wasn't expecting something like this. The name definitely threw me off, but I'm not here to review the name, so never-mind.
I have to say that I did enjoy this piece. It's not really within my preferred genre's, but I still found it interesting and fun to listen to.
The sounds you used all sound good, especially the orchestral elements. A little more depth would have been great, but that's just my opinion.
From a technical perspective, I cant really fault this. There's no spikes in the audio, everything is mixed well, you've used panning and automation etc.; it all worked a treat.
The reason I'm not giving a ten for this, is because although I like the track, I don't feel like you really delivered on what you were aiming for. You made a good start, and I can see what you were trying to do, but the acid elements are far and few, and the dubstep section is very brief and not very prominent.
I just feel like you could have developed this a little further, but that being said, it's still a great track, and something quite original.
Keep up the good work!
*Review Request Club*